Free Mat

Free Mat

Must type in exact URL to reach this page.  The ship to address must match the address we have on file.  Any questions call 1-800-888-2019. (no coupon code required at checkout)

1.  Click on each product (below) to learn more.

2.  Use the back button in between viewing products.

3.  Once you decide which free mat you want, click on the add to cart button. (one mat total)

4.  Go thru the check out process.  Call 1-800-888-2019 for assistance.

5.  Complete your order and you will receive your mat within 2-7 business days.


* If you make a mistake or lose access to this page start over by typing in your browser address bar.

Thanks in advance for the opportunity to solve your matting needs.  Call us at 1-800-888-2019 or email with any questions.

* Our Catalog / Buyers Guide will be sent with your mat as well.